President’s day was a few days ago. Even though this time has passed, it is still a good time to talk with your students (homeschooled students and traditional ones too) about laws, the functions of this nation, civil liberties, and how each of these affect us all. Of course, I have been having conversations about these and the former president, Barack Obama.
****Some of the links contained within this post may be from affiliates. If there are affiliate links on within this post, the links do not cost you anything extra at all. If you sign up or make a purchase, I may earn a small commission. For more info, please read my disclaimer.
“The future rewards those who press on. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on.”– Barack Obama
In my recent discussions, I found the best way to approach the topic was by studying Barack Obama with the use of our unit study and several books about him. My immediate go-to, since we are always on the go, was using the Epic app for books. We like to use the app when we are traveling too. Here is a look at it on our homeschool iPad.
The Epic App is host to over 30,000 books. And, on a variety of topics too!
In addition to a National Geographic book on Barack Obama, like the one we found in the app, they have a load of other National Geographic titles.
Sign up now and read FREE for 30 days! In addition to finding great books at Epic!, you can also find some great books about Barack Obama and his accomplishments at Amazon.
- Becoming by Michelle Obama
- Civil Rights Then and Now: A Timeline of the Fight for Equality in America by Kristina Brooke Daniele
- Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama
- National Geographic Readers (Barack Obama) by Caroline Crosson Gilpin
- Of Thee, I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters by Barack Obama
- The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama
- Who Is Barack Obama by Roberta Edwards
- Who Is Michelle Obama by Megan Stine
I have to say that Becoming was by far the best book. While it is about the life of Michelle Obama and her upbringing, it has some “juicy” details about Barack Obama as well. It’s written in such an endearing way. It’s quite inspirational.
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” – Barack Obama
OLC has created a free copywork book on Obama. The freebie is still grabs! Get yours below.
Barack Obama made history in 2008 when he was officially elected as the first African American to become president of the United States of America. His entrance into the White House broke barriers for all Americans. This freebie is a quick and fun way to teach your children about Barack Obama.
This freebie includes:
- Over 20 pages of content
- A resource list that includes recommended websites, books, documentaries, and more.
- 10 Quick facts about Barack Obama
- Notebooking pages for copywork
- Full manuscript lined pages
- Coloring pages
Click here to download yours.
You can also get the full unit study as well. This is a unit study introducing Barack Obama and facts about his life. It includes book lists, suggested materials, art projects, word puzzles, copy work, vocabulary, history, and more.
Included in this unit study, you will find:
- Over 90 pages of content
- A resource list that includes recommended websites, books, documentaries, and more.
- 10 Quick facts about Barack Obama
- Notebooking pages for copywork
- Full manuscript lined pages
- Coloring pages of Barack Obama
Subjects covered include:
- Literature (Reading and Reading Comprehension)
- Language Arts
- Geography
- Science
- Social Studies
- Art
- Music
- Field Trip Ideas
Ideal for K-8th grade.

Hasta Pronto!
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If you are a homeschool mom needing some new ideas and encouragement or if you are completely new to homeschooling and you are looking for ways to get started, click here to apply for a Strategy and Brainstorming Session with ME! Let’s work together to get you to where you want to be!

Hi! I’m Kat aka Mama Dot! Nice to meet you. I’m a homeschooling mom of three boys. By day, I run a mom’s blog (Being Mama Dot) and subscription service (Wombology). In my downtime, I create resources for families homeschooling children of color at Our Learning Curve. I love coffee, reggaeton (music in Spanish), knitting, and reading. My favorite thing to do is to feel my feet in the sand. #beachbum. Currently, I am an MA/Ph.D. student in Africana and Latin American studies. When I am not in school, I spend my days running my online business and taking care of my little ones. Make sure to check out OLC’s Instagram, Twitter, or join us over at Facebook.