The 2019 Multi Ethnic Homeschool Moms Conference

I am so excited about this conference that I can barely contain it!

I am so happy to be part of this conference and sharing my expertise in homeschooling while running a home-based business with other moms.   

If you’re interested in joining me, please click here to register.

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A conference like you’ve never seen before, the first annual Multi-Ethnic Homeschool Moms Conference is bridging the gap to normalizing the true face of home education!

“This particular movement seeks to raise awareness about the true face of homeschooling – one that is diverse and thriving within many ethnicities. It also carries the desire to see more multi-ethnic inclusion in curriculum, programs, and services. Events like this can help us do just that.”

– Michelle Huddleston, the conference creator

Thanks so much to Michelle for putting this together!  She’s amazing.

What is it about?

The is about serving Multi-Ethnic Homeschool Moms Conference, to say the least.  The Conference gives families of various ethnic backgrounds a place to not only feel safe enough to vent about their lives but also provides tools and tips for making things better.  I think that the community feel my favorite aspect.  The truth is, I’ve felt alone in my journey as a single mom, homeschooler, and entrepreneur.  But, there are so many other moms also going through the same things as me.  It’s quite comforting and liberating.

This year’s conference features a powerful panel of women who represent a plethora of nationalities, a wide range of homeschooling experience, and wisdom that will bless you and your family for generations.

I’m all for blessings and resources!  How about you?

There are three main categories for this year’s conference:

  • General homeschooling: sessions in this category deal with general homeschooling topics like how-to’s, navigating the homeschool journey, homeschooling through high school, and so on.
  • Marriage/Parenting: sessions in this category pertain to the impact marriage and parenting has in the homeschooling journey.
  • Mompreneurship: sessions in this category touch base with being a business-owning mama while homeschooling.

And best yet, you can enjoy the Multi-Ethnic Homeschool Moms Conference from the comfort of your home.

There are 16 speakers!  Sessions in this conference include:

  • Embracing the Journey of Homeschooling YOUR Way
  • Marriage and Parenting and Homeschooling – Oh my!
  • From Mom to Mompreneur
  • Stop Expecting What You Don’t Inspect
  • Your Child’s Irritating Habit Might Be A Strength
  • Building the Nation Through Homeschooling
  • Seven Secrets all Homeschool Parents Should Know About College Admission But Probably Don’t (Unknown insider secrets from a college professor and college admissions advisor)
  • Writing a Killer College Admissions and Scholarship Essay, Avoid Sibling Rivalry
  • Surviving Homeschool as a Single Mom
  • Balancing Act: Single Motherhood, Homeschooling, and Entrepreneurship
  • How to Create a Culturally Inclusive Homeschool Program
  • Dear Anonymous Mom: Maintaining Your Identity While Homeschooling
  • Discover the Cheapest and Most Rewarding Curriculum of all for Elementary School Students and Beyond
  • Using Your Gift of Teaching in Homeschool and Beyond
  • Preserving Your Culture while Living in Another
  • Your Message Matters
  • Married to a Shift Worker: Keeping your marriage fresh and staying in sync with your spouse through their non-normal work schedule
  • Homeschool & the Working Parent: Tips on Homeschooling while working outside of the home
  • That’s it! You’re Going Back To School! (What to do when you’ve had enough)
  • I’m not your Superwoman! (How to stop worrying about getting it all done)
  • Making Every Moment Count (How to sneak time with your spouse)
  • Flat Out Burned Out!
  •  I’m a Mompreneur
  • What Was I Thinking!?
  • Large Family Homeschooling
  • Homeschooling Using Only the Bible

Talk about getting all the deets!  I’ve met many of the speakers and I absolutely love their passion and kindness.  And, each one of them have a commitment toward helping others and filling them up.

You will have access to ALL speakers and ALL sessions beginning APRIL 1 until April 7! EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION BEGINS MARCH 24th – MARCH 31st, and is only $10!

REGULAR REGISTRATION begins APRIL 1 to APRIL 5, and costs $20.

Upon checkout, you will have immediate access to a DIGITAL SWAG BAG which will have important conference information (Conference Community Facebook group access, Conference link/password access, and over $500 of freebies and deals)!

This conference is important because, well, simply put…….  representation matters.

When you register for this conference, you’ll be able to join in with other homeschooling moms in this conference and the 16 speakers representing a range of ethnicities including, but not limited to: African American, Dominican Republican, Puerto Rican, Caucasian, Filipino, and Native American. Together these 16 speakers bring you 35 sessions geared toward general homeschooling, marriage and parenting while homeschooling, as well as pursuing mompreneurship while homeschooling.

The world of education, especially in the United States, is built upon discrimination and marginalization well before the enactment of Brown vs. Board of Education (1954).  And, in the 60 years since then,  much continues to remain the same.  This conference attempts to help families from all kinds of backgrounds and enable them to fill in these gaps by providing them with resources to homeschool, find ways in which they can pay for it, and

This conference is not about:


I support this conference wholeheartedly because whether you are a student of color, parent of color or a parent/guardian of children of color, this conference was made for you.  In addition, this conference is also inclusionary of all ethnicities.


So what will I be teaching?

Well, I am conducting 3 workshops for moms:

Session One:  Surviving Homeschool as a Single Mom:  How to Make it All Work and Stay Sane


Although homeschooling is not a new concept, it can seem like a large feat for single moms to tackle.   But, you can do it! This is a class provides single moms with tips for successfully homeschooling as a single mom.  It walks moms through ways in which they can structure their day, make the most of available resources, and creating systems all while running the show alone.


Session Two:  Balancing Act: Single Motherhood, Homeschooling, and Entrepreneurship 


This class is part 2 of Surviving Homeschool as a Single Mom and introduces the idea of entrepreneurship.   As a single mom, I am an adamant believer that all moms should have the opportunity to be at home with their children whether single, married, or in a partnership.  This class discusses how to balance entrepreneurship, homeschooling, and single motherhood.


I am sharing how things work for me as I balance everything as I run a business from home.   One of the biggest things that I urge is the forming of a support system and community in which you can depend on.   I really cannot stress this enough.  It’s not only important for you, but also for your children too.  Self-care is also an important aspect of this too.  This is one of the reasons why I created Wombology.  As moms, and especially as single moms, we are often the very last on our list of things to do and people to take care of.


Session Three:  How to Create a Culturally Inclusive Homeschool Program 


This class gives tips and actionable steps for creating a culturally inclusive homeschool program by taking advantage of online resources, local culture, and travel.   For ideas, tips, and learning materials make sure to visit my homeschooling site Our Learning Curve.

Most Commonly Asked Q&As

How much will this conference cost? In our efforts to make this event affordable for everyone, early bird registration is $10 (beginning March 25th), and regular registration is $20 (beginning April 1st).

Where will this conference take place? This conference will take place on With the Huddlestons website. More information such as links to access the conference will be provided at a later date. You will be able to enjoy every aspect of this conference from the comfort of your home with just a click of a button!

Will I be able to chat with speakers and other attendees of the conference? Yes! You will have access to a Conference-only Community Group.

Will I be able to access videos and materials after April 5th? Absolutely! We have a membership where you can enjoy this conference, as well as past events, for one low monthly payment.

Can I share this event? Please do! We encourage all homeschooling families to take advantage of this conference. There is something in it for everyone!


So will you be joining us? If you’re interested in joining me, please click here to register.


Hasta Pronto!

Please feel free to share your comments or suggestions! I would love to hear from you. If you enjoy reading my blog, make sure to sign up so that you can always be alerted for new posts, tips, and recipes. You can also find me at Wombology (A Safe Place for Women to Heal) and Being Mama Dot (Chronicles of a Homeschool Mom).

If you are a homeschool mom needing some new ideas and encouragement or if you are completely new to homeschooling and you are looking for ways to get started, click here to apply for a Strategy and Brainstorming Session with ME!  Let’s work together to get you to where you want to be!

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